Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Rachel and I are always talking about how the timing of everything in our lives it not in our hands, but in God's. Recently we've really been feeling it. This past Saturday (9/25) was the date that we had originally set for our wedding. When Rach was sick in the hospital back in the spring, we changed it to July 10th. Now with all our thoughts focused on the transplant and every week filled with appointments and evaluations, we're so glad God guided us in our decision to bump the date up. 

The past few weeks we've been talking about how perfect the timing is, but this past Saturday it really made sense...

I'm not sure if any of you saw on the news, but there was a shooting in our apartment complex parking lot on Saturday morning at 3am. We didn't hear anything, but I figured something had happened when I had to tip-toe around evidence tags while taking the trash out. Apparently two groups got into an argument, one man was shot, and another was injured while running away from the scene. They closed off our parking lot and wouldn't let anyone drive in or out until around noon. Our ceremony would have been at 2:30 that day, and I would have had to wait for the police to let me leave in order to make it to my own wedding. Yet one more reason I'm glad we moved the date up. 

Oh! I'm $110 away from my goal of $1000 for the CF Climb that's coming up in 3 weeks. While training in the stairwell again today I shot a little fundraising video:

As you can can hear, it's a little hard to breathe in that fire staircase. Which reminds me, I had to tell off a smoker this afternoon at the Y. He is a client of a fellow trainer and I heard her chewing him out about his smoking. He wasn't remorseful or embarrassed in the least for his disgusting habit and was even joking about it, so I decided to bring the mood down a bit with my infamous "You were born with good lungs and you're wasting them, my wife was born with CF lungs and would give anything to have what you started with" speech. That normally shuts 'em up, and it didn't fail me this time. It just drives Rachel and me crazy that some people choose to destroy their lungs with cigarettes. Next time you see one of your friends or family members smoking, tell them about Rachel. I guarantee they'll feel like a total tool next time they light up.  

On a lighter note...I'm watching Rachel collage/design right now. Man, she's talented. If any of you haven't seen her work (or would like to buy some) check out www.this-slick-designs.com

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