Tuesday, October 12, 2010


God has been overwhelming me these past few days. He is taking care of us…in ways that I never expected. When I was in the hospital in August, Jonathan and I realized how difficult it is to have one of us working and running back and forth to Baltimore, and the other stuck in Johns Hopkins. Jonathan would work in Frederick all day, then drive straight to Hopkins to be with me, then drive home at night…it was a lot. When I have the transplant, I will be in the hospital for 2 weeks and it is really hard for me to think of Jonathan having to go back and forth, and work, and take care of a wife with new lungs. And since we started the evaluation I haven’t been able to work nearly as much as I normally do. Thankfully, I can work from home with my graphic design and all the people I work with have been so understanding and loving through all of this. Some weeks I just can’t get that many hours in. When it is transplant time, after the 2 weeks in the hospital, the recovery is 6-8 weeks of nothing basically. I do plan on getting back to working at home as soon as I possibly can…but I know what I want to do doesn’t always match up with how good my body is feeling.

But like I said, God is taking care of us. Our church family has taken up 2 love offerings for us which were such a blessing. Although we’ve only been getting to know them for a little over a year, they have sacrificed for us and we cannot express our thankfulness.

Another way that God is providing is through a number of good friends who are organizing a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for us. When my friend April first told me about it I didn’t really know what to think. I guess I’m used to hearing about fundraisers for other people who are going through difficult things…but it is different when it is for you. Then God helped me to see that this is a way that He is going to provide for us. He is going to use other people in our lives to help us. I am so excited about the dinner! It is going to be a great night! Here is a link to more information:

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