Sunday, October 17, 2010

All 4

My wisdom teeth are coming out tomorrow morning...all 4 of them. It should be an adventure. Jonathan has to work all day and into the evening tomorrow so Mom is going to babysit me…she canceled all her plans for the whole day to stay with me…what an amazing mother I have! We are, of course, praying that everything goes really smoothly. The oral surgeon seems like he’ll be very happy when my surgery is over. I’m not exactly the most simple of patients. I’ll be sure and write an update soon.

We had a great weekend! Yesterday we slept in, went to the Pumpkin Siege at Tri-State Fellowship, then headed over to Jonathan’s family’s house where we had a campfire with a very fun couple! Tonight we carved pumpkins with Mom, Dad, and was so much fun! Jonanthan did all the work and our pumpkin turned out lovely : )

Thank you so much for your prayers…we still need them.

- Rachel

1 comment:

  1. Sending Hugs and Prayers your way! Just got an email to pray for you! I remember meeting you at Amy's house. Congrads on getting married! Hang in there! Be Strong!!

    Kelly K
